Wednesday 20 June 2007

a return to newbness.

sometimes i forget how entirely restricting it is not to have mage high enough for every f2p teleport, laws, money (i'm talking even just 1k), or friends willing to associate with you and go on during times that coincide with your own.

i don't quite get the phrase n00b. i mean, i know it's insulting, and i take it to mean low-leveled, but i'm told the real meaning's something more than an insult to ability, but leaning more towards one of character. and that, i daresay i can't usually be faulted for ingame any longer. therein lies the justification for the title.

what really gets to me is how easy it is to level skills. i go from 1 mining to 21 in a day. i get smithing up by 15 levels the next. all through it i just gape...

that's the great thing about newbness. on to n00bness.

to put things into perspective, this is what i used to be like. (or, it could be entitled, you knowy you're a n00b when...)
  • you take 2 hours to complete tutorial island.
  • you head straight for draynor mansion after you die because of all the great respawns there. bucket, gloves, sheares...
  • you think al kharid's a members area when you find out about the 10gp toll payment. and you are therefore
  • so pleased with yourself because it seems as though you've gained acess to a members area by paying just 10gp...
  • you admire the level 3s dressed in default clothes who don't talk for their high woodcutting level.
  • you're so happy with yourself when you figure out there's a way to varrock via lumby and al kharid.
  • you think it's so smart of you to make use of the world map.
  • the concept of the wildy enthralls you.
  • even after you've died.

all true. eh. i'll come up with more later. but you get the idea...

i'll differentiate between that and this, because newbness is just plain restrictive. i want to change people's perceptions. i want to do that through my skiller, and show them that character has nothing to do with combat level. i know i've said that lots of times before. i know i'll say it again.

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