Saturday 6 October 2007

updates, goals, updates on goals.

before i properly leave this and rs for the rest of this week (i've decided to shorten it to a week. i suck at planning and goals and executing what i do plan, so it's back to shortening it all. besides, i wouldn't have time to do anything rs-related this week even if i wanted to, so no danger there. i suck. i know. it's my long term goal to do something about it.) one last post about something rs-related seems to be in order. to make posts topically more proportionate and all.

updates. i don't know how jagex manages to keep that steady stream of updates going, but whatever the case, they're doing a damn good job of it. (right on schedule, too, or at least it comes out looking right on schedule. *cues the sheepish look*)

as for october's, the shop issue. nice that they got rid of the rune and arrow buying bots, but things do seem a little too gp-consuming for comfort. 4 gp for a spool of thread. 310 gp for a death rune. we'll see then. i'll wait for prices to settle before i properly comment. i'll probably end up buying straight of the shelves though. i don't buy much at all, period, so when i do, it's a 'money? what about it?' thing.

another problem with the shops though - the endless supply of willow logs, oak logs, normal logs. till they reach yew-worthy stages, the general store would be the main source of bot income. it's the assumption players don't buy willows which has the players down at lumby general store, next to those bots selling a continuous stream of willows, buying their pants of and promptly... burning their pants off? that sounds wrong...

a continuous stream of selling and buying, with the selling by far outdistancing the buying. which probably isn't so much at all, but looking at the sheer number of willows in there... isn't there some sort of rule against selling too much?

i'm starting to sound and feel like an ingrate. off with that. good riddance days of welcoming being booted from the game for 'system update in 1:04' just because you know the bots'll be booted, too, and think (or hope) that they'll take a longer time coming in. meaning there's time to go about restocking the shops, for bots to lose that bit of money that could've let someone else astray, and for those few seconds, find f2p, overall, a much more pleasant place. (ie going to a yew tree doesn't have you thinking, 'domain of the bots'.)

(oh wait. contradition. come back, days of welcoming being booted from the game for 'system update in 1:04'!)

regarding edgeville's graphically enhanced coat of paint, that's the way to go. make it so the last sight of those pkers pk'ed against their best intentions is something that'll bear looking at as one kneels over. literally. bearing in mind that i'm saying this as someone who hasn't stepped close enough to inhale the fumes of aforesaid new paint on aforesaid edgeville.

and halloween? anniversary of my first holiday event. beyond that, the seventh month by the lunar calendar ended not so long ago, and anything remotely halloween-like mainly's confined to the expat communities. so reading that was more of 'halloween? *delayed reaction* ohh, halloween'.

update on my goals for rs: an investigation into the ways of ending a conversation as quickly as possible.

preferably in a one word, non-offensive, non-illicit, neutral, monosyllabic response that kills the conversation deader than lag would. (if lag does at all. i don't know how people manage to ramble, and ramble, and ramble, without me even trying to get a word in edgeways. seeing as a word would be 'if you please, stop spamming my private chat with a one-sided conversation' i suppose they're grateful. unless they just want someone to listen, in which case, go ahead. i love being a sounding board. *said without any sarcasm, seriously.* i'd rather listen about you than talk about me.)

necessary for my survival if i am to persist in keeping private chat 'on'. which i will, or not log in at all in the attempt.

update on gameplay-related goal: not to get bored with the game by going off it for long stretches that by the time i do log on, all boredom's dissipated.

yay. a post of doable goals. i hope.

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