Friday 5 October 2007

recovery questions.

setting recovery questions is ever so fun.

i don't see how it's possible to be hacked if you didn't set a password too obvious, or let an erstwhile friend too near. i suppose keyloggers play their own part, but keyloggers seem to be scapegoats more than anything else. conclusion: it's unlikely that recovery questions'll be your downfall.

but it's still good fun, anyway.

try setting recovery questions cryptic, cute, coldly logical, and downright weird. don't know about you, but it's not as easy as i'd have thought. think of it as an art. set recovery questions you'd be proud of.

i've yet to fulfil those criteria, by my own standards.

it's like macro names, kinda. random letters on some, but names like men jiu (alcohol you drink when you're sad. that it's nicely, reasonably specific is what makes the word endearing) on others. doesn't make any much difference, but if you have to do it, it's the latter you'd aim for. beauty for the sake of it. like i read in a book somewhere once, rather a long time ago. it's the same reason why you learn about paint dripping into the eyes of michelangelo as he painted the roof of the sistine chapel, and suchlike related things. you just do it because you can.

i don't dare risk it on my mod account, but for my skiller and inactive pure, the questions are solvable, yet unsolvably so. if you'd just be logical, you'd be able to solve them all. and get ahold of my account, but i'm assuming those secondary defences of 'password', 'previous password', 'time you last logged in' and such would deter you enough.

not that 'what was your mother's maiden name?' and so on aren't difficult to bypass, but it's plain boring. boringness isn't a thing you've got to have written all over your account, if you don't want it to.

i'm still working on it, myself. there's classic questions, 'how much land does a man need?', 'chicken or egg?' and so on. or questions related to your character's name. 'why isn't it/aren't there summer/s?' questions about questions. 'how many?' there's questions so in-your-face, so logical, so it-all-makes-so-much-sense!, but patently unsolvable, like 'state the answer of recovery question 1'.

so yeah. give it a shot. questions that make any prospective hacker (if there ever even might be one, but let's imagine there will be for the sake of feeling useful) go hunh? and ditch your account for something perhaps, less ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For recovery there is a good tool-recovery word,can try to open your report in Microsoft Word format, that you have been preparing for a week, but in vain,tool can recover your data from corrupted *.doc files, located on corrupted media: floppy and CD disks, flash and zip drives, etc,can work with .doc, .docx, .dot and .dotx files and with any version of Microsoft Word text editor.