Sunday 9 September 2007

chat channels.

i don't have much use for clan chat, seeing as i haven't exactly yet found any clan i'm not leery enough of to join. which would be a clan not too big that i can't get to know every person, a clan who doesn't consider joining them marrying the lot of them, in that they can actually be civil about letting people leave, and a clan not about to turn on me the moment we reach the wildy for hate-related reasons.

so my only use for clan chat would be to talk with friends, because it's much easier to spend a few seconds creating a chat channel and thereafter merely typing '/' before each sentence, rather than going through that whole ordeal of needing to click on the names, and apologise with sorry wp everytime you mix up random names with the strange questions asked. both of which are varied and numerous enough to confuse.

then there're the channels hosted by jmods, for various purposes. i don't suppose this is confidential, since some channels are, after all, open to the public. those being the channels i'll mention. some of them are completely empty. freakily. some are full enough, but no one talks, and anyone who tries to start a conversation's met with silence. of the worded sort.

then zezima enters one of them. and boom. it wakes up. i don't know how, but some people somehow manage to find their way in, and there you go.

i realise i'm not saying half of what i wanted to say because i don't know if it's sayable. short post then.

other than those i'm specifically directed to, i just don't come across any others. i've been warned of channels that try to remain rule-free, by virtue of trying to remain genuine player- and mod-free. a pity about that one, i've been trying to search out those like it. with 'the channel you tried to join does not exist' results.

well that's it. enforced (hopefully) month-long hiatus from rs. i'll probably only last till next weekend.

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