Monday 2 July 2007


sometimes i wonder why i play runescape. then again, it's usually not so much me not knowing as me playing for such a long while without needing to know that i lose sight of it.

like this whole day, for example.

i've played for a good three hours, in toto. on my skiller, because it's fun just to talk without the weight of that hanging over (besides your head), your every word. (the wrecking the stereotype that all level 3s are macros and n00bs doesn't aid much in the get-off-this-account-and-rs-already! hype.) the fact that it's a rare monday public holiday also factors.

and after a while, it gets boring. sure. it gets pointless (though i dissuade myself with the justification for creating that account in the first place). and that's what i mean by losing sight.

then wham everything comes together.

i play rs for the same reason some people fantasise, or read books. it's a satisfactory enough escape from some things real. when i talk people can't see the anger seething just below the surface of each word, can't see the tears.

when i type happy, people think i'm happy, and then i become happy too.

or at the very least, calm.

i don't play rs for fun very much, anymore.


4n0n3m0u5e said...

wow - most of this is beyond my comprehension but what the heck - we all need to escape something. Just trying to keep the balance before we find we have to escape what we did to escape what we were doing - lol

aly. said...

hmm... sounds profound, that. (: don't quite get what comes after, but the balance thing's true enough. if it helps any, that was another of those angsty/emo posts i didn't expect anyone to read. heh.

i'm assuming that's because you're not too familiar with the game? or perhaps because it's just too incoherent :)

in any case. runescape's mindless enough that it's not a strictly thinking pasttime, and i play now mainly for the social aspect of it. talking to the other players. by skiller i mean an account that doesn't level combat... interesting, really. almost psychologically so, seeing how people react. how people judge.

seems like i'm going off topic. anyway, thanks for commenting!